Tuesday 3 December 2013

Analysing the title sequence and the product company sequence

Sherlock Holmes a Game of Shadows

The title sequence is at the end of the trailer and the sequence starts off as the letter of the names come together and join together in a mechanical but yet old fashioned way.

Then the letters come together to make the words Sherlock Holmes then ‘a Game of Shadows’ drops down from the bottom of the other words. I think that this title sequence is really good because it gives you the sense that is a period crime thriller. It does this by using the mechanical sequence and also the colours that are used in the sequence are a dark blue/green which gives the trailer a sense of mystery.

The product company sequence starts off with the Warner Bros. logo but this logo has also got a feeling that is a period crime thriller. It also uses the same colour scheme throughout the trailer.  

Then there is a very slick animation of the cross hears folder and then the Village Roadshow logo came up.

This animation happens again and the Silver Pictures logo comes up.


The first thing you see in the trailer is the product company sequence which is just the New Line Cinema logo fading in and then fading out. the New Line Cinema logo is a very simple but iconic, it is just a blue background with a black square and the two film reals on the square.

The title sequence off the se7en trailer is also quite simple it is just the number 7 in roman numerals in a font that looks like blood. Then the work seven fades into the image underneath the roman numerals.  

Wednesday 23 October 2013


In today’s lesson I watched 3 videos which discussed the research methods for our secondary research.
Firstly the video discussed the ways that we can use the internet. It told us the that when you look something up on Google you should know what you are looking for and use advanced Google search and if you Google Site: then add the website you are looking at then Google will look at the entire site and find what you are looking for.
Secondly it told use about the academic textbooks. It told us that we don’t need to read the full textbook but if we search for what we are looking for in the contents and index pages. The video told us that there are established ideas and theories which are reviewed by a board and given credibility.
Thirdly the videos discussed the scholarly journal article. The video told us that these are credible and they are published on regular bases. They are also found quite easily on Google scholar which is a database that has thousands of different articles.
After this it talked about the Newspapers and Magazines. The video told us that the newspapers and magazines keep with trend but they may bias and prejudice to a point of view.
The penultimate point that the video discuss is the ways that we can us Television and Documentaries. It told us that theses can be used as first hand quotes and that they are edited to fit a point of view and a good place to find them is on Google video, BBC iplayer, youtube and DVD extras.
Finally the video told us about the ways we can use social networking. It told use that Twitter is a good way to get quick responses if the resources are reliable. Facebook is a easy way to get primary research. Blogs are a good way to find articles but all of these are not seen a reliable research

Wednesday 12 June 2013


Game of your choice!
(You will need access to it and must be able to play it.)
Analyse the representations of the following in terms of
mediation: stereotypes and the theories of intentional,
constructionist and/or reflective.
Create a
CHALLENGE timeline of the evolution of the female role in video games .

Represantation of Women in Video Games

  • Who was the first woman video game character you can remember? Describe her.
Lara Croft – I remember watching my dad play the first few Lara Croft
  • Who was the first woman you knew that played video games? Describe her?
My Mum – she played lots of video games with me on the Play station 1 and 2
  • Do you think the woman gamer felt she was ‘represented’ in the character you described? Why, why not?
I don’t know I was like 6
  • Can you think of another female character that this woman would feel is a representation of her? Why?
Some one from the Sims because they are customizable.

Thursday 11 April 2013

MS1 Task

Sex and the city 2
Visual codes – the visual codes of this poster is that it is very glamorous, the women in this poster look posh/high class as the dresses that they are wearing look expensive and fashionable. The way that there are stud makes it look like they are happy and vibrant. The colours in the background make the main characters stand out away from the background. The main picture is taken in a bright light. The writing on the cover is also important because the style of the font and the colours used in the font give you the idea that this film is going to be glamorous. The font style looks a lot like the font that advertises a play.
Layout and Design - the layout is common in posters and DVD covers. There are the actors and actresses names at the top and then there is the name of the film nearer to the bottom of the page and then there is a big picture in the middle that takes most of your attention. This image is normally a picture taken out of the film of an image of the main characters. Then below the name of the film there is information on the makers of the film and when the film is being released.
Genre conventions – this film is a romantic comedy and the genre conventions of a RomCom are that it is mainly aimed at women from the are of 15 – 40 this means that the film poster is going to be aimed at this audience as well and that is quite obvious as women are commonly known to enjoy fashion and the characters in the poster look like they are in designer dresses. The typography in this poster make the poster look glamorous, which the genre that the poster is aimed would enjoy.
The visual codes of the A-team poster are that the poster is an action film, the men look as if they are ready for a fight, and they also look very rouged. The clothing that they are wearing gives the impression that they are professionals at what they do. The way that they are stud and the posture of the men in the poster makes it look like they are confidant and in some senses angry (Mr T having a clenched fist). The background of the poster backs up the idea of it being an action film as it looks a lot like a battle field. The typography of this poster looks much militarised. I came to this conclusion because the ‘A-team’ writing is made out of metal that reminds me of the metal that make dog tags. There are also bullet holes in the word ‘A-team’.
The layout of this poster focuses more on the characters more than the text. I think this is because the ‘A-team’ are such iconic people that almost anybody will know who they are just by looking at them and the use of this is shown really will in the layout and design of this poster. The tag-line also seems to have more of an importance then the name of the film, this is visible because the tag-line is at the top of the poster and the name is in the bottom left of the poster.
Genre conventions of this film poster are very strong as there are guns in the hands of two of the men on the poster. The faces of the characters also show that the film is an action film because all of the characters look serious and they look like they are on a mission. The background of the poster also shows that this is an action film because the image looks almost like a battle field.
A) I have chosen the A-team poster. One type of audience that would possible watch this film is fans of the A-team T.V show in the 80’s. Another audience that might watch the A-team are fans of the actors, for example Bradley Cooper is an actor that many women enjoy and they might watch the A-team because they want to watch Bradley Cooper’s new film.
B) I have chosen the A-team poster. The main audience are people that enjoy action film and this poster targets them well because the main characters are holding guns and lots of action fan enjoy seeing guns. Another good way that this poster targets the main audience is that they all have very serious expressions on there faces; this gives the audience the impression that they are all men that are on a mission.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Warner Brothers Film Studio Tour Evaluation

Warner Brothers Film Studio Tour Evaluation 


On Tuesday  the 11 of December we had a trip to the Warner Brothers Film Studio Tour (Harry Potter Studios), we went on this trip to find out how a film like harry potter is made and how much effort, money and time is put into the making a  film.


We left St. Albans at 10 o'clock and we arrived at the Warner Brothers Film Studio at about 12, when we arrive we were greeted by an employee Warner Brothers who told us what our day in the Warner Brothers Film Studio would consist of. We started our tour quite soon after the talk that was given to us by the employee. When we started the tour we were took in to a room, in this room we were told about how Warner Brothers found the Harry Potter books and how they decided to make a film out of them. Then we were moved into a cinema style room where there was a short film about the making of the harry potter films and how the cast felt about the films. after that we were allowed to go into the great hall had we were given a short tour of the great hall, after that we were let out and able to look at all the props that were on show we could take as many photo as we wanted. Then we were given a lesson about the scrip to screen and all the steps in-between. Then we were lead out into an outside area with other props that were used in the filming of harry potter. we then went to a room where there were more props after that there was a room with concept  art in it, after which there was a room which held the scale models of some of the buildings. Then we entered a massive room where there was a scale model of Hogwarts. 

From Script to Screen

In this From Script to Screen lesion we were 


1. Scale model of Hogwarts 
2. Seeing the clothes that the actors wore in the films
3. Collecting the stamps for the passport 
4. Walking through diaon ally
5. from Script to Screen
6. Drinking butter-beer
7. Seeing all the electronic props  
8. Standing in Dumbledore’s office 
9. Seeing all the wands that were used in the making of the films
10. Seeing the rest of the props 


I have learnt that the making of a film is very time consuming and it also costs lots of money to make a film (much more than I expected). I have also learn that there is a lot of work that goes unnoticed in the making of a film for example the was that nearly everything has to be make in scale model first and if the Director does not like it then the whole thing will have to be made again.

Warner Brothers Film Studio Tour Evaluation 


On Tuesday  the 11 of December we had a trip to the Warner Brothers Film Studio Tour (Harry Potter Studios), we went on this trip to find out how a film like harry potter is made and how much effort, money and time is put into the making a  film.


We left St. Albans at 10 o'clock and we arrived at the Warner Brothers Film Studio at about 12, when we arrive we were greeted by an employee Warner Brothers who told us what our day in the Warner Brothers Film Studio would consist of. We started our tour quite soon after the talk that was given to us by the employee. When we started the tour we were took in to a room, in this room we were told about how Warner Brothers found the Harry Potter books and how they decided to make a film out of them. Then we were moved into a cinema style room where there was a short film about the making of the harry potter films and how the cast felt about the films. after that we were allowed to go into the great hall had we were given a short tour of the great hall, after that we were let out and able to look at all the props that were on show we could take as many photo as we wanted. Then we were given a lesson about the scrip to screen and all the steps in-between. Then we were lead out into an outside area with other props that were used in the filming of harry potter. we then went to a room where there were more props after that there was a room with concept  art in it, after which there was a room which held the scale models of some of the buildings. Then we entered a massive room where there was a scale model of Hogwarts. 

From Script to Screen

In this From Script to Screen lesion we were 


1. Scale model of Hogwarts 
2. Seeing the clothes that the actors wore in the films
3. Collecting the stamps for the passport 
4. Walking through diaon ally
5. from Script to Screen
6. Drinking butter-beer
7. Seeing all the electronic props  
8. Standing in Dumbledore’s office 
9. Seeing all the wands that were used in the making of the films
10. Seeing the rest of the props 


I have learnt that the making of a film is very time consuming and it also costs lots of money to make a film (much more than I expected). I have also learn that there is a lot of work that goes unnoticed in the making of a film for example the was that nearly everything has to be make in scale model first and if the Director does not like it then the whole thing will have to be made again.

First Half-term of the Media Course

When we started in September we had a few lessons on what the course would consist of. then after those lessons we started on the course. we were being tough about the Audience (Audience classifications, uses & gratifications and the two step theory) Narrative theory ( in the narrative theory lessons we were told about Todorov, Levi-Strauss, Propp's theory and Barthes) After Narritive theory we we tough about Media language (Semiotics, Syntage & Paradigm, Conventions, Mcluhan and Realism) then we talked about Representation ( Post-Modernism, Stereotypes, Dominant Ideology, Celebrity, Gender and Baudrillard) so that was what we studied in the first Half-term of the Media course